Ways To Signal For Help In An Emergency

Ways To Signal For Help In An Emergency

How You Can Send Messages For Help Without A Cell Phone

If you find yourself caught in a situation where you need help, but cannot yell or scream loud enough to attract assistance there are still options.  Depending on what you have at your disposal, there may be multiple ways you can message for help.  Always keep in mind where you will be going and what you may need depending on the environment.  Take inventory of your equipment before leaving so you don’t waste energy and time when you have a limited supply.  Some items are made specifically for this purpose, while other methods rely on improvising on the fly.  Either way you decide to go having multiples should be a pre-trip priority.

This piece is focused on situations where a cell phone is either broken, out of service range, depleted of battery life or otherwise not usable.  If you have an operational phone, that should be choice number one for emergency communication method to get help.  Otherwise, what can you use to get attention and become rescued?

1- Smoke & Fire

For many, many, many years smoke and fire have been used as effective forms of communication.  These are both strong signs of human life if found in remote areas sans wildfires.  Keeping multiple ways of starting fire are a mandatory pre-requisite to venturing out.  Matches (waterproof and storm), lighters (full of fuel), ferro rods, homemade tinder, and liquid fuel are the most basic options.  There are many variations of these forms you can utilize as well.  If you are out of these items you can start a friction fire or magnifying glass/ice fire as well.

Next, if you have the fire starting method you will need long term fuel to sustain it.  You will need something to keep it going and staying active to burn off smoke or emit light for signaling.  Keep in mind that smoke and fire on a foggy day is not as effective as on a clear weather day.  Also, if you are in a densely forested area it will be less effective.  Ideally, use of smoke and fire should be in an area which has high visibility, low density of dry fuel in the surrounding area and plenty of dirt at your disposal to extinguish the flames at will.

2- Whistle

Using an audible signal is a great way to send out an emergency sound using low amounts of energy.  Also, whistles can carry for further distances than your voice.  The whistle is more effective than your voice, will expend less energy and water than yelling and can also utilize morse code.  Not bad for an item that weighs very little and costs next to nothing.  Just make sure you know where it is if an emergency suddenly happens and how you can get to it quickly.

3- Mirror

A mirror is a great means of signaling by using the sun’s light to direct and point in a desired direction.  As a light weight option the mirror can only be used on a sunny day and must be preserved from being broken or damaged.  While a slightly more fragile option, the mirror can be effective over long distances but only in line of sight.  These are now made of glass, plastic and other materials for little money.

4- Magnifying Glass

Directing light rays in a single point of focus can be a highly effective form of signaling.  Similar to the mirror, the magnifying glass can be used to signal over long distances with little use of energy.  This method will only work on a clear day with lots of sunlight.  As an added benefit, the magnifying glass can be used to start fires without using a limited fuel source.  It will always weigh the same if it is protected and is powered by nature.

5- Physical Signals

One option that has multiple purposes is using physical signals.  This will provide a bread crumb trail that will keep you on track and will let others know where you have been and your direction of travel.  You can keep track of date/time and other factors by writing on strips of fabric or trash.  Utilizing this method to it’s fullest requires a permanent marker and bright colored tape.  You can create a trail blaze to stay on track and help others locate you or your camp.  If you don’t have anything to use like this then look around you.  Piling rocks in a specific way or positioning sticks in a certain pattern will achieve the same effect.

6- Flagging

Since the beginning of civilization flags have been used to mark territories, signal conditions and otherwise convey messages of distance to other human beings.  The same is true for when you in an emergency.  By utilizing brightly colored clothing, resources around you and your mind, you can create an emergency flag signal.  Take note of the environment you are in and use contrasting colors for attracting attention.  It would not be wise to use a bright green jacket to signal for help in a densely covered woodland environment.  Instead using red or orange colors will draw the eye of a rescuer far better in this situation.

7- Signal Flares

This one is a good option to consider if you are going into a dense area or vast expanse of land where help may be miles away or flying overhead.  If you need to punch out over a forest ceiling, firing a flare through a clearing is very effective.  Flares can be seen during the day but may best be utilized during the morning hours right before sunset.  The light and smoke of the flare can be visible for a long distance to rescuing parties.  Aircraft can see flares from a long distance out and may then be able to pin point your location.

8- Flashlights

By using flashlights for signaling you want to be in close to medium distance to those you are trying to signal.  Morse code can be transmitted with flashlights but battery life is also an important concern.  Back up batteries are always a must but don’t last forever.  If you can, carry a light with the ability to focus the beam for longer distances.  LED technology has extended power and batter life for many flashlights.  Waterproof and dustproof models are desirable to maximize reliability in adverse conditions and/or temperature ranges.

You Always Have Options If You Afford Yourself Options

When it comes down to it, you will have what you bring and what you find.  This means that it is up to you to plan ahead and utilize what you have given the areas you will be going into.  Knowing beforehand how to best use these technologies is key to effective signaling and getting help when you need it.  Even if you don’t have much carried in, natural resources can be employed to achieve similar effects.  By trying to use your cell phone first and then ruling it out, you can go down the list of options until they are all exhausted.  Never give up and always continue learning!

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