Improvised Bottle Opener

Improvised Bottle Openers

Using What You Have To Open What You Want

Have you ever been in the situation where you really want a cold one but cannot find the tool to open it?  Most of us have whether you are drinking a beer, soda pop or other bottled beverage.  Now you don’t need to fret over how to open it.  A large majority of the population will have what it takes to get that sucker ready to drink.

Belt Buckle

Many belt buckles now have a design which incorporates a bottle opener.  If they don’t incorporate this specifically, they have features which are conducive to opening bottles with a little work on the wearer’s part.  Take a look at your belt and see if it has an square edges you can use to pop that cap off.


This is perhaps one of the most popularly known methods of bottle opening.  Take the bottle cap and the bottom edge of a plastic lighter, place the lighter’s edge beneath the cap and apply upward pressure.  If this doesn’t completely remove the cap, it will bend it enough for you to try again in another spot and then be able to remove the cap.

Dollar Bill

Using a dollar bill to open a bottle seems crazy but stick with me here.  Fold the bill tightly until it has a hard edge and use it similarly to the lighter method.  If you keep the dollar tight, it won’t rip and the top should come right off the bottle.  This method takes a little practice to perfect but when do you not have at least a dollar bill on you?


You can use a key to pry off a bottle cap if the situation is dire.  Place the flat edge of the key beneath the edge of the bottle cap, apply upward pressure and keep it up until that cap comes right off.  This one is simple and can be used with most house keys along with some car keys.  Be careful though not to bend the key and make it useless.


Similar to the key method above, a flat edge of a knife can be used to take off the cap with upward pressure.  DON’T use the sharp edge though.  You are risking damage to your blade are the least and personal injury at best.  No drink is worth harming yourself physically.

Squared Hard Edge

This method implements a hard squared edge and immediate force.  Take the bottle camp and place it just above the hard edge so that the cap is resting on the edge.  Hold it in place and hit the cap with your hand.  Doing this will cause the cap to pop right off.  You need to be mindful not to hit the bottle or you may smash it with your hand.  Again, no drink is worth risking personal injury over.


Some boots have squared edges on the soles.  These edges can be utilized to act as a bottle opener in a similar manor to the squared hard edge method above.  The concept is simple and substitutes the hard edge for your boot sole.  If you get really good at it, you don’t need to remove your footwear!

Look Around You And Think

Keep an eye out if you are in need of a bottle opener.  Using what you have nearby can easily accomplish this task if you think about it.  When are you not around a hard square edge?  If you don’t carry cash with you, do you have a pair of boots on or a belt buckle?  Who doesn’t cary at least one key on them?  What about a knife or lighter?  Practice using other tools as bottle openers and never need one again!

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